Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The three month check

Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been so long things have just been going insane since I got back into school. Now my mom is now home, and school is over. I know it's July but it's all insane. My parents are doing well. The house is halfway remodeled and to where it has been sanitized thanks to family so my mom can live in the house again. My mom thinks my dad has worked himself so hard that he has made himself get a herenia from everything where the incision was made during the surgery to donate to Shane, my mom's donor's boyfriend. Everything has gone well apparently the kidney is doing great and not failing (they did a biopsy on it yesteryday) so hopefully we will not have to go through this again. We are managing very well and we will be heading home tomorrow, since this was just a quick 2 day check up. Thank you so much for the prayers and I will let you know how everything is going.
