Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hey! Testing!

Hey everyone!

We arrived just yesterday before seven. Things were very interesting. We were afraid that the van was going to fall apart on us, but luckily it didn't. Everything is going well I guess, right now I am in the Charlton Building making this blog, while both of my parents are going through testing. Mom is getting her blood drawn and my dad I have absolutely no clue what's going on all I know is that we are doing this for the Pre-OP that's supposed to be happening today and tomorrow. And later tonight we are going to go pick up my aunt Lee from the airport. Also the place we are staying at, as far as I know there aren't any computers. So whenever I get the chance I will let you know what's happening. The hotel is really old kinda like what my mom says is like the Shining Hotel. So, right now I am very freaked out about that but everything else is just fine. Thanks for your prayers, I will keep blogging!

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