Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Pre-OP :P

Hey everyone how's it going? I hope ya are doing well. So today both of my parents, me, and my aunt Lee are going to meet their surgeons. Bleck. No offense to you doctors but they all talk in the doctor talk you know? So tomorrow is the big surgery, and everything so I guess that pretty much I get to sit in the hospital twentyfour seven until they come out of surgery. Tomorrow we have to be here at 5:30 in the morning for everything, this is going to be very interesting. So thanks for your prayers and I will keep ya posted. Thanks!

- Emily ;D


  1. I know what you mean by doctor talk, they use big words that I don't understand. We are praying for you all and hope you come back soon.

  2. Hey Emily,
    I hope everything is going good and miss you here at school.
