Saturday, May 1, 2010

After Surgery


Everything is doing awesome. Mom and dad are both in private rooms resting. Mom's surgery went well and my dad's also went well. Dad and mom have both been in pain but their pain has gone done to 0, which according to their nurses that's great. Mom's body is not rejecting the kidney. Her function is good, her color is good, and she looks and feels great. But everything is good anyway. I am being driven insane by my aunt though, to me it seems like she thinks I cannot do anything right. So I thought I would let all of you know that everything is great. Talk to you soon.


  1. Thanks for the updates Emily! Your Aunt is probably really stressed out and that is here way of coping! Hang in there! You'll be home before you know it!

  2. My grandparents and my aunt are coming to pick me up I will be back at home on Sunday.
