Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hey Release!

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Mom is getting released today, but she still has to have a catheter. Sadly I leave Saturday. And I won't get to see mom for a month or maybe even longer since we have to get the house ready. I am kind of stressed about not seeing her, since I am really close to my mom. I am also really tired mainly because I did not get a lot of sleep last night and I haven't had time to sleep. I have fallen asleep for about one minute only to be woken up 2 seconds later. I guess it's because I am thinking about all the things I have to do. Well I guess I will see you all when I get home. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Great News! I'm glad your dad is doing well and that your mom is getting released! Who's bringing you home Saturday?
