Monday, May 3, 2010

everyone! Sorry I cant seem to figure out a title but, here is a update about BOTH of my parents. Everything is good. Mom is getting out of the hospital tomorrow hopefully, but the doctors are making her keep the catheter in for a while probably another week. But sadly, I won't get to help out with her or see her for a month unless someone volunteers to bring me up, because I will be leaving on Saturday. Also we met the person who received my dads kidney and the person who donated their kidney to my mom earlier today. And we talked about the rules and have gone through the classes about what to do after the kidney transplant. So now dad and I are going to be going into major CLEANING yuck! But we have to, so mom won't get an infection or worse. Dad has been threatening to get rid of the cats if they can't stop jumping on everything. So since we are also in remodeling stage we are contacting friends to see if they can help us get the house ready in the next month. Thanks for your prayers!

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