Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The three month check

Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been so long things have just been going insane since I got back into school. Now my mom is now home, and school is over. I know it's July but it's all insane. My parents are doing well. The house is halfway remodeled and to where it has been sanitized thanks to family so my mom can live in the house again. My mom thinks my dad has worked himself so hard that he has made himself get a herenia from everything where the incision was made during the surgery to donate to Shane, my mom's donor's boyfriend. Everything has gone well apparently the kidney is doing great and not failing (they did a biopsy on it yesteryday) so hopefully we will not have to go through this again. We are managing very well and we will be heading home tomorrow, since this was just a quick 2 day check up. Thank you so much for the prayers and I will let you know how everything is going.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hey  everyone! Today is the Social worker visit and some other things I can't remember. Yesterday was the fun Food Safety class. We also met Shane and Shondra. Shondra was my moms kidney donor and Dad was Shane's kidney donor. They live in I think Little Big Town up here in Minnesota. They are awesome. Talk to ya soon

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hey Release!

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Mom is getting released today, but she still has to have a catheter. Sadly I leave Saturday. And I won't get to see mom for a month or maybe even longer since we have to get the house ready. I am kind of stressed about not seeing her, since I am really close to my mom. I am also really tired mainly because I did not get a lot of sleep last night and I haven't had time to sleep. I have fallen asleep for about one minute only to be woken up 2 seconds later. I guess it's because I am thinking about all the things I have to do. Well I guess I will see you all when I get home. Bye!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sorry I  forgot to tell you about dad. He is doing AWESOME! Though he is really really sore and tired but he will be doing great soon I just know he will. And even better he got released yesterday!
everyone! Sorry I cant seem to figure out a title but, here is a update about BOTH of my parents. Everything is good. Mom is getting out of the hospital tomorrow hopefully, but the doctors are making her keep the catheter in for a while probably another week. But sadly, I won't get to help out with her or see her for a month unless someone volunteers to bring me up, because I will be leaving on Saturday. Also we met the person who received my dads kidney and the person who donated their kidney to my mom earlier today. And we talked about the rules and have gone through the classes about what to do after the kidney transplant. So now dad and I are going to be going into major CLEANING yuck! But we have to, so mom won't get an infection or worse. Dad has been threatening to get rid of the cats if they can't stop jumping on everything. So since we are also in remodeling stage we are contacting friends to see if they can help us get the house ready in the next month. Thanks for your prayers!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

After Surgery


Everything is doing awesome. Mom and dad are both in private rooms resting. Mom's surgery went well and my dad's also went well. Dad and mom have both been in pain but their pain has gone done to 0, which according to their nurses that's great. Mom's body is not rejecting the kidney. Her function is good, her color is good, and she looks and feels great. But everything is good anyway. I am being driven insane by my aunt though, to me it seems like she thinks I cannot do anything right. So I thought I would let all of you know that everything is great. Talk to you soon.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Pre-OP :P

Hey everyone how's it going? I hope ya are doing well. So today both of my parents, me, and my aunt Lee are going to meet their surgeons. Bleck. No offense to you doctors but they all talk in the doctor talk you know? So tomorrow is the big surgery, and everything so I guess that pretty much I get to sit in the hospital twentyfour seven until they come out of surgery. Tomorrow we have to be here at 5:30 in the morning for everything, this is going to be very interesting. So thanks for your prayers and I will keep ya posted. Thanks!

- Emily ;D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hey! Testing!

Hey everyone!

We arrived just yesterday before seven. Things were very interesting. We were afraid that the van was going to fall apart on us, but luckily it didn't. Everything is going well I guess, right now I am in the Charlton Building making this blog, while both of my parents are going through testing. Mom is getting her blood drawn and my dad I have absolutely no clue what's going on all I know is that we are doing this for the Pre-OP that's supposed to be happening today and tomorrow. And later tonight we are going to go pick up my aunt Lee from the airport. Also the place we are staying at, as far as I know there aren't any computers. So whenever I get the chance I will let you know what's happening. The hotel is really old kinda like what my mom says is like the Shining Hotel. So, right now I am very freaked out about that but everything else is just fine. Thanks for your prayers, I will keep blogging!